Mary Baker Eddy moved to 384 (today 400) Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, Brookline, MA, in January 1908 and lived there to her passing in December 1910. After living at her beloved Pleasant View in Concord, New Hampshire, for over fifteen years, she purchased this property on Beacon Street in 1907. Her main goal was to be closer to her church in Boston. She found the rooms too large, and several months were spent remodeling the home to resemble Pleasant View. While at Chestnut Hill she established a daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. Additionally, she finished the final edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and authorized the first translation of her textbook into another language - German. In 2006, Longyear Museum acquired the home and provides tours for the public through appointment.
384 (today 400) Beacon Street
Mary Baker Eddy moved to 384 (today 400) Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, Brookline, MA, in January 1908 and lived there to her passing in December 1910. After living at her beloved Pleasant View in Concord, New Hampshire, for over fifteen years, she purchased this property on Beacon Street in 1907. Her main goal was to be closer to her church in Boston. She found the rooms too large, and several months were spent remodeling the home to resemble Pleasant View. While at Chestnut Hill she established a daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. Additionally, she finished the final edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and authorized the first translation of her textbook into another language - German. In 2006, Longyear Museum acquired the home and provides tours for the public through appointment.
384 (today 400) Beacon Street