Emma L. Palmer (b. Ladd) (c. 1858-1889) was born in Varina, Virginia, and
died in Worcester, Massachusetts. By 1880 she had moved to Trenton, New Jersey, where
she attended New Jersey State Normal School and became a schoolteacher. She married
Lucius R. Palmer in Christian County, Kentucky, in 1884 and by the mid-1880s had moved
to Worcester. Palmer studied Christian Science with Annie V. C. Leavitt and Sarah H.
Crosse, both students of Mary Baker Eddy. She then took Eddy's Normal class in February
1887 and was listed as a practitioner in
The Christian Science
Journal in Worcester in 1887 and 1888. Palmer joined both the National
Christian Scientist Association and the Christian Scientist Association but withdrew in
June 1888 in the fallout following the Abbie A. Corner court case.
See more letters.