Hezekiah U. Monro (1854-1939) was born in Brooklyn, New York, and died in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. He graduated from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, and from
the Episcopal Divinity School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Monro was ordained in 1882
and served as rector of Grace Church in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1888, he served at
St. Mary's Church in East Boston and founded the St. Mary's Mission for Sailors in 1890.
Before being called to St. Paul's in North Andover, Massachusetts, he was rector of St.
Mary's Church in Newton Lower Falls, Massachusetts. Monro retired in 1919. He was a
member of the Freemasons and belonged to Saint John's Lodge #1 in Providence. Monro
wrote to Mary Baker Eddy in 1886, asking for information about Christian Science
treatment through prayer for one of his parishioners.
See more letters.