Lelia F. Lothrop
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Lelia F. Lothrop (1857-?) was born in Stoughton, Massachusetts, and died in an unknown location. She married William P. Burdon, a laborer, in Brockton, Massachusetts, in 1874. Burdon passed away in 1879, and she married Henry W. Lothrop in Easton, Massachusetts, later that year. Mary Baker Eddy healed her father, John L. Scott, when Lothrop was ten years old (this healing is related on pages 69 and 70 of Eddy's Miscellaneous Writings). Eddy occasionally sent Lothrop money to help her care for her mother, Jane T. Scott, when she was older.

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Lelia F. Lothrop
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Lelia F. Lothrop (1857-?) was born in Stoughton, Massachusetts, and died in an unknown location. She married William P. Burdon, a laborer, in Brockton, Massachusetts, in 1874. Burdon passed away in 1879, and she married Henry W. Lothrop in Easton, Massachusetts, later that year. Mary Baker Eddy healed her father, John L. Scott, when Lothrop was ten years old (this healing is related on pages 69 and 70 of Eddy's Miscellaneous Writings). Eddy occasionally sent Lothrop money to help her care for her mother, Jane T. Scott, when she was older.

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