Mary J. Lewis (b. Tredennick) (1856-1932) was born in Wheeling, Virginia
(now West Virginia) and died in Los Angeles, California. She married Samuel B. Lewis, a
saddle manufacturer, in Chicago, Illinois, in 1877. Hoping to improve her health, Lewis
moved to Los Angeles in 1884. Soon thereafter, she became acquainted with a Christian
Science practitioner and was healed through Christian Science treatment. This healing
inspired Lewis to study Christian Science with Mary Baker Eddy, and she took the Primary
course in August 1886 and the Obstetrics course in October 1888. She became a
practitioner and teacher of Christian Science and was listed in
Christian Science Journal from 1892 until her passing. Lewis joined The First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, on November 1, 1898. She was also
a member of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles, California.
See more letters.