Sophie C. Leland
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Sophie C. Leland (b. Barrett) (1846-1918) was born in Crete, Illinois, and died in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa. In 1867 in Crete, she married Henry P. Leland, a Civil War soldier and farmer. Leland was involved with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Cedar Falls, serving as Chairman of the Entertainment Committee in 1903, and authoring an article about their activities in the Cedar Falls Gazette in 1908. In 1886, Leland wrote to Mary Baker Eddy that she had read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and wished to study Christian Science and learn to heal, but her opportunities were limited in rural Iowa. She wrote again to order literature.

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Sophie C. Leland
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Sophie C. Leland (b. Barrett) (1846-1918) was born in Crete, Illinois, and died in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa. In 1867 in Crete, she married Henry P. Leland, a Civil War soldier and farmer. Leland was involved with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Cedar Falls, serving as Chairman of the Entertainment Committee in 1903, and authoring an article about their activities in the Cedar Falls Gazette in 1908. In 1886, Leland wrote to Mary Baker Eddy that she had read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and wished to study Christian Science and learn to heal, but her opportunities were limited in rural Iowa. She wrote again to order literature.

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