Ellen H. Latham
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Ellen H. Latham (1827-1899) was born in New London, Connecticut, and died in Washington, D.C. She was the wife of Jonathan Latham, a sea captain from New London whose ship was lost at sea. Latham became interested in Christian Science in 1885, hoping to study with a student of Mary Baker Eddy's in Washington, D.C. There is no record of Latham taking Primary class instruction, but correspondence suggests that she maintained an interest in Christian Science.

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Ellen H. Latham
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Ellen H. Latham (1827-1899) was born in New London, Connecticut, and died in Washington, D.C. She was the wife of Jonathan Latham, a sea captain from New London whose ship was lost at sea. Latham became interested in Christian Science in 1885, hoping to study with a student of Mary Baker Eddy's in Washington, D.C. There is no record of Latham taking Primary class instruction, but correspondence suggests that she maintained an interest in Christian Science.

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