Susan S. Lang
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Susan S. Lang (1821-1899) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Lawrence, Massachusetts. She was the wife of Alfred Lang and mother of Susie M. Lang, who were both students of Mary Baker Eddy's. Although Susan S. Lang never studied with Mary Baker Eddy, she was made an honorary member of the Christian Scientist Association on December 3, 1884. There is no record of her uniting with the Church of Christ (Scientist).

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Susan S. Lang
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Susan S. Lang (1821-1899) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Lawrence, Massachusetts. She was the wife of Alfred Lang and mother of Susie M. Lang, who were both students of Mary Baker Eddy's. Although Susan S. Lang never studied with Mary Baker Eddy, she was made an honorary member of the Christian Scientist Association on December 3, 1884. There is no record of her uniting with the Church of Christ (Scientist).

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