Herbert O. Dobbs (1864-1893) was born in Winona, Minnesota, and died in
O'Neill, Nebraska. He married Ida M. Dobbs (b. Dickenson) in Winona in 1887, and
thereafter they resided in Lansing, Iowa, where Dobbs was an accountant for the Lansing
Lumber Company. In 1891, seeking improvement in his health, he moved to Colorado for two
years before going to O'Neill to live with his brother. In 1886, Dobbs wrote to Mary
Baker Eddy to order a copy of
Science and Health with Key to the
Scriptures and to express his interest in studying with her, although there is
no record his having done so. His step-mother, Mary E. Dobbs, and his half-brothers
Percy M. Dobbs and Arthur E. Dobbs were members of The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and Mary and Percy were also listed as
practitioners in
The Christian Science Journal in the early
See more letters.