Florence Bertram Cottam
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Florence Bertram Cottam (1878-1961) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Brookline, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of William H. and Sarah I. Bertram, students of Mary Baker Eddy's who left the Christian Science movement in the fallout following the Abbie A. Corner court case. Florence married William D. Cottam in 1909, and for many years she worked as a teacher at the Cudworth School in East Boston, Massachusetts. In 1911, she wrote to Calvin A. Frye, asking for information on taking Primary class instruction. Frye's response is not extant, but she joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and was listed in the directory of The Christian Science Journal as a Christian Science practitioner from 1932 until 1958.

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Florence Bertram Cottam
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Florence Bertram Cottam (1878-1961) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and died in Brookline, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of William H. and Sarah I. Bertram, students of Mary Baker Eddy's who left the Christian Science movement in the fallout following the Abbie A. Corner court case. Florence married William D. Cottam in 1909, and for many years she worked as a teacher at the Cudworth School in East Boston, Massachusetts. In 1911, she wrote to Calvin A. Frye, asking for information on taking Primary class instruction. Frye's response is not extant, but she joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and was listed in the directory of The Christian Science Journal as a Christian Science practitioner from 1932 until 1958.

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