Camillus L. Burnett
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Camillus L. Burnett (1844-1891) was born in Pleasant Grove, Iowa, and died in Red Oak, Iowa. He was a Civil War veteran, serving as a private in Company K, 25th Iowa Infantry. In 1866 he married Emily J. "Josie" Burnett (b. Orchard) and the couple lived in Iowa. After the war, Burnett was a city marshall then a United States marshall. In 1886 he wrote to Mary Baker Eddy to request a catalog of Christian Science literature. He became interested in Christian Science after witnessing healings in his community by one of Eddy's students.

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Camillus L. Burnett
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Camillus L. Burnett (1844-1891) was born in Pleasant Grove, Iowa, and died in Red Oak, Iowa. He was a Civil War veteran, serving as a private in Company K, 25th Iowa Infantry. In 1866 he married Emily J. "Josie" Burnett (b. Orchard) and the couple lived in Iowa. After the war, Burnett was a city marshall then a United States marshall. In 1886 he wrote to Mary Baker Eddy to request a catalog of Christian Science literature. He became interested in Christian Science after witnessing healings in his community by one of Eddy's students.

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