Bertha M. Bell
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Bertha M. Bell (b. Mills) (1878-1955) was born in Romney, Ontario, Canada, and died in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She married William J. Bell in Kent County, Ontario, Canada, in 1897, and in 1900 they moved to Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where William worked as a farmer. Bertha wrote a letter to Mary Baker Eddy in 1902 telling of a healing experienced by her daughter, Freeda B. Colvin (b. Bell) through Christian Science treatment. By 1911 the Bells had moved to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, where William worked as a traveling salesman. Bertha became a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in June 1910 and was listed as a practitioner in the directory of The Christian Science Journal from 1913 until 1951. In 1918 the Bells moved to Minneapolis where they remained for the rest of their lives.

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Bertha M. Bell
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Bertha M. Bell (b. Mills) (1878-1955) was born in Romney, Ontario, Canada, and died in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She married William J. Bell in Kent County, Ontario, Canada, in 1897, and in 1900 they moved to Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where William worked as a farmer. Bertha wrote a letter to Mary Baker Eddy in 1902 telling of a healing experienced by her daughter, Freeda B. Colvin (b. Bell) through Christian Science treatment. By 1911 the Bells had moved to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, where William worked as a traveling salesman. Bertha became a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in June 1910 and was listed as a practitioner in the directory of The Christian Science Journal from 1913 until 1951. In 1918 the Bells moved to Minneapolis where they remained for the rest of their lives.

See more letters.