— To the questions before me, I will say.– My students all have told me my first explanations were not understood, but afterwards as I taught them they became clear
Answers to —
QuestionAs Written:Ques 1st ( On God the principle of man.
" 2ndAs Written:2ond It is a hindrance instead of help, anatomy etc belongs to knowledge, the science I teach, to God, one is the tree whereof wisdom forbade man to partakeGen 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. , the other is the "tree of life"Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. .
QuestionAs Written:Ques 3rd Yes, beyond all other known methods of healing; it is in acute and extreme cases that this science is seen most clearly in its demonstrations over matter
4th This "knowledge" is what science comes to destroy.
5.th I make no such requisition but leave it optional with the student. I furnish them with manuscriptsAs Written:MSS to this end, but prefer they would commence practice, as a rule, immediately As Written: immedeately after their terms of instruction (three weeks) Why? because they gain the understanding of the science whereby the sick are healed by them, as much more readily and rapidly, as does the student of Mathematics by demonstration upon the blackboard
QuestionAs Written:Ques 6th Never advertised, and practiced only by one individual who healed me Dr. Quimby of Portland MaineAs Written:Me An Old gentleman who had made it a research for twenty-fiveAs Written:twenty five years, starting from the standpointAs Written:stand-point of magnetism thence going forward As Written: foward and leaving that behind. I discovered the art in a momentsAs Written:momen'ts time, and he acknowledged it to me; he died shortly after and since then, eight years, I have been founding and demonstrating the science. It belongs not to mystery, to mediums, so-called, to magnetism, Theology, physiology or any ism, it belongs to God in which there is no ism but a divine As Written: devine principle that harmonizes all it controls. It is simple enough for babes, the only reason it is difficult for us to accept or understand, is– that we have wandered so far away, having other Gods before it, we have called upon matter to heal the sick, and this Science changes or reverses this educated method of our lives and calls only upon the principle that controls matter as a mathematician calls upon the principle of numbers instead of the figures to control in harmony the problem before him
I have learned in science that sickness is not sent by God, or Jesus would not have cast it out, that man cannot destroy the work of God is evident in science, God being the principle of man giveth to man perfect harmony if this principle be sufficiently understood to be found "a present help in times of trouble"Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ; the senses have educated man away from the soul, science takes him back again to this first principle wherebyAs Written:whreby the senses are unerring when taught of God. No student can learn this science without demonstration, this begins at home, making them better at every advanced footstepAs Written:foot step
QuestionAs Written:Ques 7.th Yes even to raising or restoring those called dead. I have witnessed this myself, therefore I testify of what I have seen
8th It does, if you can understand its application to animals as well as man.
QuestionAs Written:Ques. 9.th
I have demonstrated upon myself in an injury occasioned by a fall, that it did for me what surgeons could not do. Dr. Cushing of this city pronounced my injury incurable and that I could not survive three days because of it, when on the third day I rose from my bed and to the utter confusion of all I commenced my usual [?] Unclear or illegible withstandingAs Written:with standing displacements etc. As Written: etc I regained the natural position and functions of the body How far my students can demonstrate in such extreme cases depends on the progress they have made in this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.—
I have touched briefly on all your questions please preserve this, and if you become my student call me to account for the truth of What I have written