Mary M. Patterson
WarrenEditorial Note: Warren, Maine Apr 24. 1864
⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddyWarrenEditorial Note: Warren, Maine Apr'l 24. 1864.
I am a little bit lonesome, doing and suffering! Am wishing I was round the home hearthAs Written:home-hearth with child and husband amid the joys of liberty. My dear friend does all in her power to make me enjoy my stay here, but you know her body of belief "is full of wounds and bruises" which in getting her out of I stumble, i.e. As Written: ie I feel the old temptations strengthen in my body when I come into daily contact with hers I see & think I believe more than ever the truth, but the flesh is weakMatt 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. .
When I came here she could not do but a very little housework, had had a girl up to that time. In three weeks she did her washing! a thing she told me she had not thought of being able to do ever again, and had not done before for six months She never knows which way the wind blows now, east or contrariwise As Written: contrarywise . When she thinks I will leave her she grows worse but this I can manage when the time comes. The cup which my Father wisdom hath prepared for me shall I not drink it?John 18:11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? To our material sense tis even at times gall; but he that forsaketh not Father and Mother to follow me, is not worthy of meMatt 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. .
Tis a very great thing to subdue, much more to conquer our spiritual foes. I find them worse than their identities in individuals Happiness is not found in any condition but wisdom, and this embraces not envy, avarice, malice, or mad ambition. Jesus taught as man does not; who then is wise, but you? What is your truth if it applies only to the evil diseases which show themselves. What is the theory worth when it is only known as a Westminster–Catechism? Dr., I have a strange feeling of late that I ought to be perfectMatt 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. after the command of science, in order to know and do the thing right. So much as I need to attain before that, makes the job look difficult. but I shall try. When men and above all women, revile me, to forgive and pity.
When I am misjudged because misunderstood, to feel; wisdom forgive them for they know not what they doLuke 23:34 ¶Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. . When the idle and empty brains of such (as will know more I hope one day) think to advance their own moral or social position by pulling down their neighbors, try another score of times on me, I think they will find me impervious; above the wound even, which strangers can inflict. All things shall work together for good to them who love wisdomRom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ; i.e.As Written:ie, if they have the courage to feel— these are not they whom my Father hath chosen I can love only a good, honorable and brave career; no other can suit me. If I could use my pen as I long to do, and not sink under it; I would work after this model till it should appear a "thing of beauty which is a joy forever"Editorial Note: The first line of Endymion, Book I by John Keats (1795-1821) reads “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”..
Posted at the public marts of this city is this Notice
[*]Archival Note: A box is drawn around the following text.Mrs. M. M. Patterson will lecture at the Town Hall one week from next Wednesday on P. P. Quimby's spiritual Science healing disease — As opposed to Deism or Rochester-Rapping Spiritualism.[*]Archival Note: End of boxed text.
This is as nearly as I can remember I have changed my lecture to suit the occasion This seems to me a spiritual need of this people.
I like much the hearts of Warren folks, i.e. As Written: ie better than their heads. They are very respectful and kind to me Would you have the courage to attend, if here? Sometimes wisdom is known by her followers. Hope it will be this time.
Please attend to my case when you get this; dyspepsia and constipation; two bugbearsAs Written:bug-bears that Miss. Jarvis has just got rid of and saddled ontoAs Written:on to me