LynnEditorial Note: Lynn, Massachusetts March 26. /1865As Written:'65
Friend Geo,
Please enclose to my address a list of the boarding houses in your vicinity, omitting As Written: omiting Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Crosby is sick of a fever She wrote me TodayAs Written:To-day In haste–
M M Patterson
Nota BeneAs Written:N, B, Answer as soon as possible
⇉ Handshift:UnknownMrs M. M. Patterson
Geo. Quimby
⇉ Handshift:George A. QuimbyMrs Patterson
ReceivedAs Written:Rec'd your letter last night and in reply would say that I know of no boarding house in our vicinity except Mrs Carey'sAs Written:Careys which is but a few doors from a hotel Yours Truly G Quimby
Geo. Quimby
⇉ Handshift:George A. QuimbyMrs Patterson
ReceivedAs Written:Rec'd your letter last night and in reply would say that I know of no boarding house in our vicinity except Mrs Carey'sAs Written:Careys which is but a few doors from a hotel Yours Truly G Quimby