If you can do what you say, what is your duty? Is it to see me to whom you owe your life, die alone? Where is your humanity?
What need have I? Any? Are you ready to help? You say yes, but why don’t As Written: dont you help me if you are willing and can handle this? All you say is inconsistent unless you do as you say
I healed a case of softening of the brain in a minute three weeks ago but I didn't say I would do it -- and then desert the suffererAs Written:suffer.
Nota BeneAs Written:N.B. Mark this prophecy If you allow Buswells' influence over you, as he now holds it and perpetuates it more than ever to go on -- you will be saying with others who stand on the basis of sensualism There is nothing practiced As Written: practised of maliciousAs Written:maliscious mesmerism. The time when I have not dated