I did not mean to convey the thought that you intended to “infringe” my copyright, I know you would not do wrong knowingly at least that is my honest conviction of you. But I said that because these were sentences verbatim (as I can show you) from my book not in quotation, and not under caption of “Sparks” -- that which you said was from S&HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. Now dear student, my admonition was needed to open your eyes. One of the most conscientious students and the most ChristianAs Written:christian young man did this very thing -- got out a circular full of the substance of my works without giving authority. I met it with a sharp reprimand and he has thanked me ever since, and will tell you so, and how it seemed to him right until I broke the spell said he felt impelled to borrow without credit. My students have yet to learn how I save them by my faithfulnessAs Written:faithfullness from the snare of mesmerism. I know all is in my booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. that you must write and talk from them, but always let it be in your own language