You are laboring under the same delusion now that you were years ago and caused by the same malpractice Then it was a belief of sickness now it is a misguided belief in what is not true I have learned unmistakably that no one here in this house has taken you up mentally or has any care one way or another about your going WestEditorial Note: Clara E. Choate had been planning a trip to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, areas. Some of them said they would like to go last night I think it was Mr Buswell.
I see what your fits and starts will end in Christianity is fixed Before you ever heard of Christian Science I had been commissioned of God to lead his children out of the darkness of today You never can do this until your life is changed as you well know Those that talk truth in one thing must live it in all things to be fit for pioneers I have done telling you to no purpose
Now take your own way and so relieve me of hearing you say one thing one day and contradict it the next
A true copy attest.