Accession: L16252
Editorial Title: Daniel Patterson to Mary Baker Eddy, March 31, 1853
Author: Daniel Patterson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 31, 1853
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Daniel Patterson on unlined paper from Franklin, New Hampshire.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I will now use that familiar name by which I have never before taken the liberty to address you I must here acknowledge the reception of that shock which waked me from my dreams of happiness as the Thunderbolt startles the peaceful sleeper from some delightful dream of peace prosperity, and happy loved ones, to find his domicile demolished, rent, in fragment strewn commingled in blackened disorder with the lifeless remains As Written: remaines of his cherished ones, himself a living monument ever pointing the ruins and desolation, the work, not of that awakening detonation, but of some mysterious As Written: misterious bolts, of which that is but the echo or the sound of its chariot wheelsAs Written:wheeles; but I am wasting my space, and will speak more directly -

I was surprised at the decision recorded in your noteEditorial Note: Daniel Patterson destroyed this note., but as it is your decision after consultation and reflection, I have nothin[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page rip. left but to submit - But if it had bee[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page rip. the behest of any other I would not have submitted As Written: submited to it, I would have charged upon the prison gates of dreadful Doom or even crossed swords with the Prince of darkness standing sentinel if they had environed you, yes I would even have looked grim death in the face and reclaimed you from his dominion, had you remained as I supposed you would - mine at the loss of all others, and nearly everything that I desired But I entreat you now not to think there As Written: ther is anything of bitterness, or the slightest desire to wound your feeling in this for I design in all I have or may write to avoid saying anything that shall add to your pain in the slightest As Written: slightes degree

At the first reading of your noteEditorial Note: Daniel Patterson destroyed this note. I supposed that the decision contained was a transcript of another's As Written: anothers decision but on a second perusal I find it is your own, which has somewhat altered the treatment of the reasoning, I then thought your Father had pronounced the religious test, I will not call it Bigotry, which has caused more blood and tears than any other cause in the world, if your Father did counsel As Written: consel in that matter as you decided I wish simply that you would just ask him, who would have yielded As Written: yealded if there had been the same point of difference between him and his wife??

But I did not intend when I took my pen to attempt a decision As Written: dission from your resolution

I will continue the same course with you that has always characterized As Written: characterised my conduct in my acquaintance with I take you as witness that my entire appearance before you has been open and frank, and without the least attempt to ingratiate myself in your good opinion by appearing better than I really was yea more I have taken great pains As Written: paines to exhibit the most objectionable characteristics, or at least that has been the case ever since our acquaintance assumed a character of seriousness, and I have freely allowed you to put the worst constructions on every As Written: evry Idea or opinion advocated, I have allowed you to look the very extreme in the face as I am ultra in everything As Written: evrything and wish to be prepared for the worst and also to have all connected with me prepared for the course I should pursue As Written: persue in extreme cases and with myself so represented and truly represented to I must confess I am not surprised that any lady should shrink from uniting themselves As Written: themselvess with me the only wonder is that you ever thought of such a strange thing - I know it must be love standing at the very threshold of Idolatry As Written: Idolitry should induce such a woman as I should want to marry me, and that is the only love that will satisfy me - no ordinary commonplace love will answer my purpose - it must be stronger than the love of life itself, and it would naturally be supposed that a woman would ask a guarantee of a suitable return which my caution must always prevent my giving - fearing it should raise hopes that would not be realized and I am resolved that my wife if I ever have one shall not have her hopes raised only to be dashed to the ground in a few months after marriage I have therefore pursued As Written: persued the course As Written: cours I have because I have no guarantee of my own better feelings after matrimony, and my worst feelings my [?] Unclear or illegible 

I have been acquainted with many ladies whom As Written: whome I might doubtless have married (strange thoughAs Written:tho it seem) but I think I speak truly when I say that you are the only one that I ever felt a desire to marry and you came almost up to loving me enough to sacrifice As Written: sacrafice to that love, but Alas! not quite, -

Our acquaintance commenced strangely, and now strangely As Written: srangely enough it must needs end; I am only surprised that you ever thought of loving me!! I presume you have become weary of this and I will finish my other subjects - I do not wish to add to your sorrow by reflecting on your course, but I do think you betr ayed my confidence in making public thing said to you in our then relations I made disclosures to you in all confidence with more than one assurance that our conversation was sacredly kept by you but it now seems As Written: seemes that all our conversation has become common property As Written: propert in your family at least and as an inevitable result will soon be public property, perhaps you can justify it to yourself if so I will bear it with as good a grace as possible but will not return the compliment, but will, leave that and now comes your future what do you intend do marry? be kind enough to let me know that, and if you have not made up your mind to that now will you let me know the fact as soon as you do resolve to?

Also if you should be sick will you promise to let me know it at once, if you cannot do it yourself persuade My Aunt your Mother to let me know it she doubtless will feel some remaining interest for me as I do great respect for her - With respect to my poor wicked prayers which you asked they had commenced before solicited will continue probably as long as you are good, and single, but then the consciousness of the offering is all the good they will do you I fear -

That letter I committed to the flames and watched it till it became a cinder, with the exception of, the poetry which I copied but will burn if you desire it I did the above several day ago

Your teeth I hold you engaged to have me put them in unless it will conflict with your happiness in which case I have nothing to say and you nothing to pay - But I think if that would not be the case your obligations are binding unless you have a Guardian, I wish very much to put in your teeth, not for the money if I am poor, I have some feelings aside from those prompted by the root of all evilI Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (except those inseparable from love)

It is not that I would attempt to draw you from your purposeAs Written:perpose,- let my feeling be what they may I shall never attempt that

I did not have opportunity to write by the exs and do not know as I should have sent by it if I had, I shall therefore deliver it at your door tonight it is now most 7 o'clock As Written: ocloc and I must close so as to get to your house before the folk are all retired I have not had time to make any corrections I have not read it over, nor done anything at punctuation and you must guess as the meaning and probably the spelling is all sorts as my feelings have been - If you think proper I should be very happy to receive a note from you often - A "Friendly” one”

I have written in great haste and hope you will excuse As Written: ecuse all the mistakes as doubtless there are many,

D, Patterson -
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I will now use that familiar name by which I have never before taken the liberty to address you I must here acknowledge the reception of that shock which waked me from my dreams of happiness as the Thunderbolt startles the peaceful sleeper from some delightful dream of peace prosperity, and happy loved ones, to find his [?] Unclear or illegible  domicile demolished, rent, in fragment strewn commingled in blackened disorder with the lifeless remaines Corrected: remains of his cherished ones, himself a living monument ever pointing the ruins and desolation, the work, not of that awakening detonation, but of some misterious Corrected: mysterious bolts, of which that is but the echo or the sound of its chariot wheelesCorrected:wheels; but I am wasting my space, and will speak more directly -

I was surprised at the decision recorded in your [?] Unclear or illegible noteEditorial Note: Daniel Patterson destroyed this note., but as it is your decision after consultation and dreflection, I have nothin[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page rip. left but to submit - But if it had bee[*]Gap: letter.Reason: page rip. beenAs Written:been the behest of any other I would not have submited Corrected: submitted to it, I would have charged upon the prison gates of dreadful dDoom or even crossed swords with the Prince of darkness standing sentinel if they had environed you, yes I would even have looked grim death in the face and reclaimed you from his dominion, had you remained as I supposed you would - mine at the loss of all others, and nearly eveyrything that I desired But I entreat you now not to think ther Corrected: there is anything of bitterness, or the slightest desire to wound your feeling in this for I design in all I have or may write to avoid saying anything that shall add to your pain in the slightes Corrected: slightest degree

At the first reading of your noteEditorial Note: Daniel Patterson destroyed this note. I supposed that the decision contained was a transcript of anothers Corrected: another's decision but on a second perusal I find it is your own, which has somewhat altered the treatment o [?] Unclear or illegible f the reasoning, I then thought your Father had pronounced the religious test, I will not call it Bigotry, which has caused more blood and tears than any other cause in the world, if your Father did consel Corrected: counsel in that matter as you decided I wish simply that you would just ask him, who would have yealded Corrected: yielded if there had been the same point of difference between him and his wife??

But dI did not intend when I took my pen to attempt a dission Corrected: decision from your resolution

I will continue the same course with you that has always characterised Corrected: characterized my conduct in my acquaintance with I take you as witness that my entire appearance before you has been open and frank, and without the least attempt to ingratiate myself in your good opinion by appearing better than I really was yea more I have taken great paines Corrected: pains to exhibit the most objectionable characteristics, or at least that has been the case ever since our acquaintance assumed a character of seriousness, and I have freely allowed you to put the worst constructions on evry Corrected: every Idea [?] Unclear or illegible or opinion advocated, I have allowed you to look the very extreme in the face as I am ultra in evrything Corrected: everything and wish to be prepared for the worst and also to have all connected with me prepared for the course I should persue Corrected: pursue in extreme cases and with myself so represented and truly represented to I must confess I am not surprised that any lady should shrink from uniting themselvess Corrected: themselves with me the only wonder is that you ever thought of such a strange thing - I know it must be love standing at the very threshold of Idolitry Corrected: Idolatry should induce such a woman as I should want to marry me, and that is the only love that will satisfy me - no ordinary commonplace love will answer my purpose - it must be stronger than the love of life itself, and it would naturally be supposed that a woman would ask a guarantee of a suitable return which my caution must always prevent my giving - fearing it should raise hopes that would not be realized and I am resolved that my wife if I ever have one shall not have her hopes raised only to be dashed to the ground in a few months after marriage I have therefore persued Corrected: pursued the cours Corrected: course I have because I have no guarantee of my own better feelings after matrimony, and my worst feelings my [?] Unclear or illegible 

I have been acquainted with many ladies whome Corrected: whom I might doubtless have married (strange thoExpanded:though it seem) but I think I speak truly when I say that you are the only one that I ever felt a desire to marry and you came almost up to loving me enough to sacrafice Corrected: sacrifice to that love, but Alas! not quite, -

Our acquaintance commenced strangely, and now srangely Corrected: strangely enough it must needs end; I am only surprised that you ever thought of loving me!! I presume you have become weary of this and I will finish my other subjects - I do not wish to add to your sorrow by reflecting on your course, but I do think you betry ayed my confidence in making public thing said to you in our then relations I made disclosures to you in all confidence with more than one assurance that our conversation was sacredly kept by you but it now seemes Corrected: seems that all our conversation has become [ILLLEGIBLE] common [?] Unclear or illegible  propert Corrected: property in your family at least and as an inevitable result will soon be public property, perhaps you can justify it to yourself if so I will bear it with as good a grace as possible but will not return the compliment, but will, leave that and now comes your future what do you intend do marry? be kind enough to let me know that, and if you have not made up your mind to that now will you let me know the fact as soon as you do resolve to?

Also if you should be sick will you promise to let me know it at once, if you cannot do it yourself persuade My Aunt your Mother to let me know it she doubtless will feel some remaining interest for me as I do great respect for her - With respect to my poor wicked prayers which you asked they had commenced before solicited will continue probably as long as you are good, and single, but then the consciousness of the offering is all the good they will do you I fear -

That letter I committed to the flames and watched it till it became a cinder, with the exception of, the poetry which I copied but will burn if you desire it I did the above several day ago

Your teeth I hold you engaged to have me put them in unless it will conflict with your happiness in which case I have nothing to say and you nothing to pay - But I think if that would not be the case your obligations are binding unless you have a Guardian, I wish very much to put in your teeth, not for the money if I am poor, I have some feelings aside from those prompted by the root of all evilI Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (except those inseparable from love)

It is not that I would attempt to draw you from your perposeCorrected:purpose,- let my feeling be what they may I shall never attempt that

I did not have opportunity to write by the exs and do not know as I should have sent by it if I had, I shall therefore deliver it at your door tonight it is now most 7 ocloc Corrected: o'clock and I must close so as to get to your house before the folk are all retired I have not had time to make any corrections I have not read it over, nor done anything at punctuation and you must guess as the meaning and probably the spelling is all sorts as my feelings have been - If you think proper I should be very happy to receive a note from you often - A "Friendly” one”

I have written in great haste and hope you will ecuse Corrected: excuse all the mistakes as doubtless there are many,

D, Patterson -
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Franklin, New Hampshire Daniel Patterson destroyed this note. Daniel Patterson destroyed this note.