Accession: L16245
Editorial Title: Daniel Patterson to Mary Baker Eddy, May 1853
Author: Daniel Patterson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 1853 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Daniel Patterson on embossed unlined paper from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.
Archival Note: The date of this letter is an archivist estimate.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mary:

I arrived here today at 11 o'clockAs Written:ok A, M, all safe— Stopped As Written: Stoped at GilmontownEditorial Note: Gilmanton, New Hampshire last night at the IronworksAs Written:Iron works village,– arrived there at seven o'clock As Written: oclock or thereabout— found the Landlord very obsequious and after he had put my horse in the Stable, he commenced looking after the comfort of his other guest, and what do you think was his second enquiry? –The first was if I would like some supper— well you probably think I said no, being aware of how much dinner I brought away from your Father's but you are mistaken there, I told him I had spoken to the woman for some already— but the second question you have not yet learned, but here it comes he drew up towards me, and repeated it in a scarcely articulate voice, rather timidly, somewhat as I appeared when I asked you the great question if– If– you remember how that was, but I did not understand him, and he ventured a little nearer, and (now it will come certainly) will you have any Wine or, SherryAs Written:Cherry??

I am here at the Hotel in a room 8 by 16 feet, with two beds in it (so you see — if my patients should faint I have abundant opportunity to lay them away) and half a Dozen Kitchen chairsAs Written:Kitchen-chairs, a wooden (rockery,) [original] Toilet, Wash Sink, looking glass, and an old table for a bench, all which occupy my room, beside As Written: bside myself, and luggage, and my room is "in the third Loft," or in the third floor, with one small window; the above together As Written: togather with my own & horse's board they tax me six DollarsEditorial Note: $6.00 in 1853 is the equivalent of $201.67 in 2020., and half per week for; and it is not the Pavilion, where you stopped As Written: stoped when you visited here with your Beau; that is not open yet.—

I had to go out and get this paper to write you this unreadable matter on, and returned in a heavy Thunder Shower, I then sat down by the window, (not a window) to see the terrible God hurl his formidable Shafts of Lightning through the humid atmosphere, with such dreadful velocity, as made even the darkness turn pale, and shrink away, in a vain attempt to hide itself behind the "Rocks and Mountains" from the august presence of Deity when he came forth to tread on the clouds as a pavement for his feet, and to wrap the big Storm about him, as a mantling Drapery, to conceal the quiver, and the hand that drew forth, and hurled those dreadful arrows, while his all-seeingAs Written:all seeing eye watched their frightful tracks, to their destination, and the results, on men- and matter, "The Thunder of his power" who can withstand, and my Soul said O.! God how great, and terrible As Written: terrable art thou!!!

¶ There was one time in my ride to this place, when I said to myself– "now I wish Mary was with me"– it was on attaining the summit of a hill, the first view of the Lake burst on my vision with its smooth face scarifiedAs Written:scarefied, and lacerated by numerous Islets, and points, and yet it was beautiful; then I really wished you by my side

But Mary Dear, I have scrawled my sheet nearly all over, and have not written a sentence that will please As Written: pleas you, I have only wasted the time — My feelings are much like the weather now, there has been a big storm, but it has subsided, and a calm is the result, there is nothing to encounter, to rouse my energies, consequently you will see but little fervor in my letters- you will not discover it,– though it is me : it will not appear like the same Me- that I do, when present with you, You will say to yourself this is not him, this [?] Unclear or illegible  orthography is not him, but that is me tooAs Written:to — Well I am going to stop on this sheet and not spread this unsightly matter over another,, and so Mary, Dear write me as soon as you receive this– goodbyeAs Written:good by —20 minutes past ten o'clock As Written: oclock

'D. Patterson
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mary:

I arrived here today at 11 okExpanded:o'clock A, M, all safe— Stoped Corrected: Stopped at GilmontownEditorial Note: Gilmanton, New Hampshire last night at the Iron worksCorrected:Ironworks village,– arrived there at seven oclock Corrected: o'clock or thereabout— found the Landlord very obsequious and after he had put my horse in the Stable, he commenced looking after the comfort of his other guest, and what do you think was his second enquiry? –The first was if I would like some supper; well you probably think I said no, being aware of how much dinner I brought away from your Father's but you are mistaken there, I told him I had spoken to the woman for some already— but the second question you have not yet learned, but here it comes he drew up towards me, and repeated it in a scarcely articulate voice, rather timidly, somewhat as I appeared when I asked you the great question if– If– you remember how that was, but I did not understand him, and he ventured a little nearer, and (now it will come certainly) will you have any Wine or, CherryCorrected:Sherry??

I am here at the Hotel in a room 8 by 16 feet, with two beds in it (so you see if my patients should faint I have abund [?] Unclear or illegible ant opportunity to lay them away) and half a Dozen Kitchen-chairsCorrected:Kitchen chairs, a wooden (rockery,) [original] Toilet, Wash s Sink, looking glass, and an old table for a bench, all which occupy my room, bside Corrected: beside myself, and luggage, and my room is "in the third Loft," or in the third floor, with one small window; the above togather Corrected: together with my own & horse's board they tax me six DollarsEditorial Note: $6.00 in 1853 is the equivalent of $201.67 in 2020., and half per week for; and it is not the Pavilion, where you stoped Corrected: stopped when you visited here with your Beau; that is not open yet.—

I had to go out and get this paper to write you this unreadable matter on, and returned in a heavy Thunder Shower, I then seat down by the window, (not a window) to see the terraible God hurl his formidable Shafts of Lightning through the humid atmosphere, with such [?] Unclear or illegible dreadful velocity, as made even the darkness turn pale, and shrink away, in a vain attempt to hide itself behind the "Rocks and Mountains" from the august presence of Deity when he came forth to tread on the clouds as a pavement for his feet, and to wrap the big Storm about him, as a mantling Drapery, to conceal the quiver, and the hand that drew forth, and hurled those dreadful arrows, while his all seeingCorrected:all-seeing eye wathtched their frightful tracks, to their destination, and the results, on men- and matter, "The [?] Unclear or illegible Thunder of his power" who can withstand, and my Soul said O.! God how great, and terrable Corrected: terrible art thou!!!

¶ There was one time in my ride to this place, when I said to myself– "now I wish wishMary was with me"– it was on attaining the summit of a hill, the first view of the Lake burst on my vision with its smooth face scarefiedCorrected:scarified, and lacerated by numerous Islets, and points, and yet it was beautiful; then I really wished you by my side

But Mary Dear, I have scrawled my sheet nearly all over, and have not written a sent [?] Unclear or illegible ence that will pleas Corrected: please you, I have only wasted the time — My feelings are much like the weather now, there has been a big storm, but it has subsided, and a calm is the result, there is nothing to encounter, to rouse my energies, consequently you will see but little fervor in my letters- you will not discover it,– though it is me : it will not appear like the same Me- that I do, when present with you, You will say to yourself this is not him, this [?] Unclear or illegible  orthography is not him, but that is me toCorrected:too — Well I am going to stop on this sheet and not spread this unsightly matter over another,, and so Mary, Dear write me as soon as you receive this– good byCorrected:goodbye —20 minutes past ten oclock Corrected: o'clock

'D. Patterson
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Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Gilmanton, New Hampshire $6.00 in 1853 is the equivalent of $201.67 in 2020.