Accession: L15914
Editorial Title: Calvin A. Frye to Ellen E. Cross, August 20, 1886
Author: Calvin A. Frye 
Recipient: Ellen E. Cross 
Date: August 20, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calvin A. Frye on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Yours of the 17- instEditorial Note: See 941.91.097. receivedAs Written:rec’d.

To start your meetings first send out notices to all your students within reach to meet at a certain place and time stating the object of the meeting.

Then when they have met rise in their midst state to them the object of the meeting and ask someoneAs Written:some one to elect a President . SomeoneAs Written:Some one will then name some person for that office whereupon you As Written: yous will say “as many as are- in favor of A–– (naming the person) serving as PresidentAs Written:Prest pro tem please signify it by raising the right hand.” Note how many are in favor. Then say “contrary minded by a like sign” If the majority are in favor of the person say “it is a vote, the person named will please take the chair. The newly elected officer will then ask them to elect a secretary As Written: secratary which will be done in like manner the PresidentAs Written:Prest calling for the vote. Then call- for a committee to be elected to arrange Constitution and By-lawsAs Written:By laws, and a Treasurer.

Having gone through with this and whatever else may come before the meeting for “the good of the order” someoneAs Written:some one will “move that we adjourn” it would be well to name some time as “for one week” Putting this to a vote, if the majority are in favor the meeting is closed.

For all such kinds of business see the standard work “Cushing’s Manual of Parliamentary As Written: Parlimentary Practice.

Fraternally yours
C. A. Frye
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Yours of the 17- instEditorial Note: See 941.91.097. rec’dExpanded:received.

To start your meetings first send out notices to all your students within reach tob meet at a certain place and time stating if the object of the meeting.

NThen when they have met rise in their midst state to them the object of the meeting and ask some oneCorrected:someone to nominate elect a President pro.tem. Some oneCorrected:Someone will themn name some person for that office whereupon yous Corrected: you will say “as many as are- in favor of A–– (naming the person) serving as PrestExpanded:President pro tems please signify it by raising the right hand.” Note how many are in favor. Then say “contrary minded by a like sign” If the majority are in favor of the person say “it is a vote, the person named will please take the chair. The noewly elected officer will then ask them to elect a secratary Corrected: secretary which will be done in like manner the PrestExpanded:President calling for the vote. Then call- for a committee to be elected to arrange Constitution and By lawsCorrected:By-laws, and a Treasurer.

Having gone through with this and whatever else may come before the meeting for “the good of the order” some oneCorrected:someone will “move that we ad [?] Unclear or illegible journ” it would be well to nam [?] Unclear or illegible e some time as “for one week” Putting this to a vote, if the majority are in favor the meeting is closed.

For all such kinds of business see the standard work “Cushing’s Manual of Parlimentary Corrected: Parliamentary Practice.

Fraternally yours
C. A. Frye
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Boston, Massachusetts See 941.91.097.