What a great matter a little fire kindleth!James 3:4 Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! What an unruly member is the tongue what a mischievous thing is the pen if not governed in wisdom. Both these students are peculiar, both have their good qualities.) Miss B. is over anxious about her own or what she claims. Mrs W. is naturally prone to step on people's toes
Both are doing good. I have not my eyes closed as poor Miss B. represents I see what I seldom say I see. Miss B. has done nobly in the midst of the last overt acts of secceeders and kept straight all the way.
(Now dear this is my advice. Associate with all my good students, help each other, in union is strength. But it is best not to take the opinion of any student on points of
ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science especially when they concern your happiness at home.) She Mrs W writes me that she has advised only what cultivates affliction As Written: affiction in the married life, if this is so it is
just what I advised her when she named this question as getting a grave aspect in her own family. When, if ever, sexual intercourse is admissible between married people is not for her or me to say
I have not seen a time for that since I have been in science Of two evils a wife alone must make the choice and always chose the least evil(, a loss of affection is a great evil
A wife can lead the element of love up high — from the basement into the "upper chamber". Leave this holy office then to the partner that is most spiritual and let not me or my student touch this altar.
Perhaps some struggling husband or wife may have gotten his partner into a blest acquiescence As Written: acquiesence on the side of total abstinence, when a student may step in and change this state of progress. just as a temperate drinker advises one to return to an occasional use of his cups causes this one to lose his power to abstain.
Let God alone direct here). This unfortunate affair between W. & B. is another put up job to end as the others have ended by se tting one or the other apart from me because I will not abuse either one. You have so much good sense that you will do justice in the end. So much Christianity that God will guide you and all will come out right