Select Lectures on christian science, or, applied metaphysics, by Arthur T. Buswell, C.S., Having recently ⇉ Handshift:Arthur T. Buswellstudied at the Mass. Metaphysical College, with special preparation for teaching, under the direction of the discoverer and founder of the Science of Christian Healing, Prof. Mary B. G. Eddy, owing to the rapidly increasing demand for metaphysical teaching, and with the advantage of several years of practical experience in mental healing, I am accordingly prepared to teach Christian science, or pure metaphysics, and its therapeutic application to the healing of sickness and sin.
That private classes may be formed, I have arranged for the coming season a course of free lectures and conversations, bearing upon Christian ethics; the object being to re-state the Evidences of Christianity in the light of revealed ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, making prominent the life of Christ as an expositionAs Written:esposition of the healing Mind, or Principle, a practical agent for establishing health, a faultless moral life, and the demonstration of man's Immortality so far as his life conforms to that of the Christ character.
In short, to so set forth the sacred truth and beauty of man's spiritual and moral nature, that an intelligent Faith in Christ (Truth) may be restored to those whose thought has been diverted by the many isms of the period, and to counteract all tendencies towards scepticism, atheism, agnosticism and infidelity.
Lectures and Conversations on Tuesday afternoons, at 3, open to students only, and Friday evenings, at 7-30, to which you are cordially invited. Private classes in Christian healing will be formed as interest may demand.
See Article III. Constitution C.S.A. My students ⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker Eddyif qualified can be ⇉ Handshift:Arthur T. Buswelladmitted to full fellowship with the members of the Christian Scientists' Association and other societies of the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists; and thus have the additional advantages accruing from association with the large number of ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists, and of hearing Prof. Eddy, in her superior weekly and monthly lectures before the advanced ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists.
313 Columbus Ave., Boston.