Accession: L12667
Editorial Title: Agreement between Helen M. Blood and Mary Baker Eddy, November 1870
Author: Helen M. Blood 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: Unknown 
Date: November 1870
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in unknown handwriting on lined paper.
Archival Note: Helen M. Blood’s name is not included in the agreement. An archivist note on the document indicates that she was the author.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Nov 1870

We hereby agree in consideration of instruction to be given me relating to the treatment of disease to pay to her one hundred and fifty dollarsEditorial Note: $150.00 in 1870 is the equivalent of $2,963.49 in 2020. and thereafter to pay to her ten percentAs Written:per cent of all sums received by me from the practice of the mode of treatment so taught by her.

The sum to be paid annually so long as I shall continue in such practice. And I hereby agree to render to her as often as once in each year, upon her request, a just and true account of all sums so received by me She also agreeing in consideration of the abovenamedAs Written:above named one hundred and fifty dollars and of this agreement to qualify me for practice

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Nov 1870

We hereby agree in consideration of instruction to be given me relating to the treatment of disease to pay to her one hundred and fifty dollarsEditorial Note: $150.00 in 1870 is the equivalent of $2,963.49 in 2020. and thereafter to pay to her ten per centCorrected:percent of all sums received by me from the practice of the mode of treatment so taught by her.

The sum to be paid annually so long as I shall continue in such practice. And I hereby agree to render to her as often as once in each year, upon her request, a just and true account of all sums so rec [?] Unclear or illegible eived by me She also agreeing in consideration of the above namedCorrected:abovenamed one hundred and fifty dollars and of this agreement to qualify me for practice

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$150.00 in 1870 is the equivalent of $2,963.49 in 2020.