Your certificate is sent to the ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman; Roger Sherman; Martha E. Sherman and if you do not get it let me know The enclosed article I have not the time to mark it all right this time it excited some feeling by students and only because I am stuck with those here on this matter it is for their good I do it more than justice to myself They and you had better begin right then all will end well in every undertaking
Your article was very kind and complimentary rather honorary to your teacher I only referred As Written: refered to it not noticing before there were so many of those little telltaleAs Written:tell tale marks
You can originate I have filled you with glorious thoughts of your own use them
Watch that you do not allow your feeling to be changed towards me and you are alright As Written: all right
You are doing grandly for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science and I love you dearly and many can bear testimony to this