Accession: L10646
Editorial Title: Agreement between Mary Baker Eddy and George H. Allen, November 3, 1870
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: George H. Allen 
Scribe: George H. Allen 
Date: November 3, 1870
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George H. Allen (as scribe) on lined paper, with signature in Mary Baker Eddy’s handwriting, from Lynn, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

$300.Editorial Note: $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020.

Received of George H Allen the sum of Three Hundred DollarsEditorial Note: $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020. for which I agree to teach Him the Science of Healing, the sick so that He can demonstrate the same- or- will refund the aforesaid sum.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMary B Glover
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

$300.Editorial Note: $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020.

Received of George H Allen the sum of Three Hundred DollarsEditorial Note: $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020. for which I agree to teach Him the Science of Healing, the sick so that He can demonstrate the same- or- will refund the afo [?] Unclear or illegible resaid sum.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMary B Glover
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Lynn, Massachusetts $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020. $300 in 1870 is the equivalent of $5,926.98 in 2020.