I am in great need of counsel on this point -- Is anything libelous As Written: libellous that contains only a statement of the decision As Written: decission of the court, and some of the charges in the Answer to the Bill of Complaint, and what was proven by testimony, -- in a case of infringement of copyrightEditorial Note: This is a reference to the lawsuit, Eddy vs. Arens, which had just been decided in Eddy’s favor., before the Injunction has been served. Please inform me by the bearer and greatly oblige
N. B.Editorial Note: Nota Bene My Newspaper must be issued in one more day, and I want the case noticed in itEditorial Note: See V00001 for the paper is a published once in two months only.
⇉ Handshift:Nathaniel Prentiss BanksMrs Mary Baker Eddy
answered As Written: anserd