Accession: L10068
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Mary Hinds Philbrick, September 22, 1885
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Mary Hinds Philbrick 
Date: September 22, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Same dateEditorial Note: September 22, 1885
My dear Student

With all the love that I have I must caution you against your impusiveness As Written: impulsivness Now you know I won't As Written: wont say nothing of what I wrote to Mr W. until the time for my class to open

I have no doubt As Written: dobut that my FatherEditorial Note: God gave me this foresightAs Written:fore sight as circumstances have since occurredAs Written:occured that renders it best for me not to take him for a student at present He has never addressed me on this topic since he studied with Miss Brown hence no explanation to him is required if you heeded my request —

From Your loving Teacher
M B G Eddy

When you are ready to enter the Normal class I will– take you Let me know I will wait for you to pay but such are not my terms for others

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Same dateEditorial Note: September 22, 1885
My dear Student

With all the love that I have I must caution you against your impulsivness Corrected: impusiveness Now you know I wont Corrected: won't say nothing of what I wrote to Mr W. until the time for my class to open

I have no dobut Corrected: doubt that my FatherEditorial Note: God gave me this fore sightCorrected:foresight as circumstances have since occuredCorrected:occurred that renders it best for me not to take him for a student at present He has never addressed me on this topic since he studied with Miss Brown hence no explanation to him is required if you heeded my request —

From Your loving Teacher
M B G Eddy

When you are ready to enter the Normal class I will– take you Let me know I will wait for you to pay but such are not my terms for others

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September 22, 1885 God