We the undersigned members of the class of September 1886 of the Metaphysical College desire to express our most appreciative thanks in a public way to our highly respected teacher Rev Mary B- Eddy for the conclusive, and concise As Written: conscise manner in which she has brought to our understanding a knowledge of Metaphysical ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and its As Written: it's indivisible relations to Scriptural teachings As Written: teachigs
Throughout she has exhibited a patience and perseverance As Written: perseverence seldom displayed by so erudite As Written: euridite a scholar in the dissemination As Written: dissemenation of profound knowledge, thereby endearing her for life to her students, who will faithfully endeavor to put forth the doctrines thus imparted to the best of our ability: taking, as she dictates, but the teachings of the Scriptures for our infallible guide
May she long be spared in our midst is our affectionate hope in bidding her adieu.
And twenty-sevenAs Written:twenty seven others comprising the class which consisted of citizens from fifteen states and members of eight Christian Denominations.