Accession: L08901
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Daniel Patterson, 1853
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Daniel Patterson 
Date: 1853
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
A happy New Year to Thee ( [?] Unclear or illegible )
Dear Sir,

Will you please inform me when I shall see you here with the last best gift to humanity - teeth - teeth - forever! Pardon this seeming impatience, I would not have sent this enquiry, were it not I expect to go to ConcordEditorial Note: Concord, New Hampshire this week and would like to see my Dentist previously - reasons - Defendant As Written: Defendent saith not

I send you a bookEditorial Note: Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832) selected from my little library - not Uncle's Tom's CabinEditorial Note: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) - Which by the way I have - but one I particularly admire. Perhaps it will not please you There is nothing like the rush of mighty waters, or the "struggle with a snowstorm" but a serene moral beauty, pervades the real fiction. Here let me say. Tis a truth told in fiction, the actual personification of the Author's life (or a part of it) in that of the chief character. Flemming.Editorial Note: This is a reference to Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832)

I do not as a whole like Uncle Tom's CabinEditorial Note: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) - therefore I would not give it to anyoneAs Written:any one. You can have it to read any time you wish - But really I am writing quite a "long yarn" when I intended it only a business matter Please excuse my sending an old bookEditorial Note: Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832), or one at all!- this is my reason for the former,- we cannot obtain volumesAs Written:vols. of this sort at this place - for the latter,- The thought occurred As Written: occured while I stood at the desk writing and I inscribed it to you, without a "sober second" one -

GoodbyeAs Written:Good bye-
Mary M G.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
A happy New Year to Thee ( [?] Unclear or illegible )
Dear Sir,

Will you please inform me when I shall see you here with the last best gift to humanity - teeth - teeth - forever! Pardon this seeming impatience, I would not have sent this enquiry, were it not I expect to go to ConcordEditorial Note: Concord, New Hampshire this week and would like to see my Dentist previously - reasons - Defendent Corrected: Defendant saith not

I send you a bookEditorial Note: Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832) selected from my little library - not Uncle's Tom's CabinEditorial Note: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) - Which by the way I have - but one I particularly admire. Perhaps it will not please you There is nothing like the rush of mighty waters, or the "struggle with a snowstorm" but a serene moral beauty, pervades the real fiction. Here let me say. Tis a truth told in fiction, the actual personification of the Author's life (or a part of it) in that of the chief character. Flemming.Editorial Note: This is a reference to Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832)

I do not as a whole like Uncle Tom's CabinEditorial Note: Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) - therefore I would not give it to any oneCorrected:anyone. You can have it to read any time you wish - But really I am writing quite a "long yarn" when I intended it only a business matter Please excuse my sending an old bookEditorial Note: Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832), or one at all!- this is my reason for the former,- we cannot obtain vols.Expanded:volumes of this sort at this place - for the latter,- The thought occured Corrected: occurred while I stood at the desk writing and I inscribed it to you, without a "sober second" one -

Good byeCorrected:Goodbye-
Mary M G.
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Concord, New Hampshire Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832) Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) This is a reference to Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832) Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852) Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Romance by Benjamin Disraeli (1832)