Accession: L08315
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Sarah O. Bagley, January 1, 1873
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Sarah O. Bagley 
Date: January 1, 1873
Manuscript Description: Handwritten receipt by Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Topic: For other documents related to students paying a percentage of money earned from their practice of healing to Eddy, see L08318Click link to view L08318 document in new window, L08313Click link to view L08313 document in new window, L08314Click link to view L08314 document in new window, 144.23.001Click link to view 144.23.001 document in new window, and 144.23.002Click link to view 144.23.002 document in new window.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Received of Sarah O. Bagley forty two dollarsEditorial Note: $42.00 in 1873 is equivalent to $818.20 in 2014. percentage in full of all demands up to this dateEditorial Note: It was common for Eddy to ask for a percentage of income earned by her students from their practice of Christian Science healing. As in the case of Sarah Bagley, Eddy often reduced the percentage she required as time passed, eventually no longer accepting such payments.

Mary M. B. Glover
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Received of Sarah O. Bagley forty two dollarsEditorial Note: $42.00 in 1873 is equivalent to $818.20 in 2014. percentage in full of all demands up to this dateEditorial Note: It was common for Eddy to ask for a percentage of income earned by her students from their practice of Christian Science healing. As in the case of Sarah Bagley, Eddy often reduced the percentage she required as time passed, eventually no longer accepting such payments.

Mary M. B. Glover
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$42.00 in 1873 is equivalent to $818.20 in 2014. It was common for Eddy to ask for a percentage of income earned by her students from their practice of Christian Science healing. As in the case of Sarah Bagley, Eddy often reduced the percentage she required as time passed, eventually no longer accepting such payments.