Accession: L07865
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Ellen Brown Linscott, September 24, 1886
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Date: September 24, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student

I will help you. I will prepare Rev. Mr. Adams to help you. Will take him gratuitously in my Normal Class that opens Oct, 4, and send him to you as soon as it closes. I have got his wife's permission to do this, and he promised me that he would go where I said after I first taught him He is a good man and quick to learn and has the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science clearer than any other clergyman that I have taught. Can I, my child, do any more for you, if so, let me know. But always be true to your Mother in Israel Remember this.

To show you how much I am in earnest I have sent the money to bring him here he has nothing of his own. write if this one suits you

MBG Eddy

We won’tAs Written:wont be beatenAs Written:beatten. But remember two biggerAs Written:biger storytellersAs Written:story tellers you could not be near than H. & P.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student

I will help you. I will prepare Rev. Mr. Adams to help you. Will take him gratuitously in my Normal Class that opens Oct, 4, and send him to you as soon as it closes. I have got his wife's permission to do this, and he promised me that he would go where I said after I first taught him and hHe is a good man and quick to learn and has the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science clearer than any other clergyman that I have taught. Can I, my child, do any more for you, if so, let me know. But always be true to your Mother in Israel Remember this.

To show you how much I am in earnest I have sent the money to bring him here he has nothing of his own. write if this one suits you

MBG Eddy

We wontCorrected:won’t be beattenCorrected:beaten. But remember two bigerCorrected:bigger story tellersCorrected:storytellers you could not be near than H. & P. No lie will be too big for them to tell

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