Your letter and enclosures came safely. Accept many thanks. Please get the dress pattern enclosed and as many yds as I need if they can be bought for $2 25Editorial Note: $2.25 in 1875 is the equivalent of $47.82 in 2014. per yard As Written: yd but not otherwise. Do not take any time that you need otherwise to do this for me
I have made arrangements to go to you Sat. eve. shall leave here after supper in the 6.o.c.Editorial Note: o’clock train if there is one Mrs. Rice will go with me and we shall return the same night and that will spare you the walk to the depot and be most convenient to me as I now have arranged it; but if this is not as convenient to you and Mrs. Frothingham please write
You must "walk and not weary and run and not faint"Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. You are the master of your body if you only understood this fact in being
I shall be very glad to see you at any time and have you come and pass the night with me