I intended to reply to your favorEditorial Note: See 031.11.044. at once but no moments have offered until now. I never allow questions to be sent me on patients but you are so removed from attendance on my private lectures before my students I make an exception in your case
The case you named is one of belief and not disease She has no cough, she does not cough! do you believe me? No! and that is all that hinders the fact being seen. She and you believe in consuptionEditorial Note: consumption (tuberculosis), but no part of life or its phenomenon can consume or ever disappear in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. You reckon according to error when you admit that it can.
Argue the menstrual obstruction as not real and the patient is not harmed by it if it stops all that causes it is an image of consumptionEditorial Note: tuberculosis in thought that frightens her, and fear stops or increase action. Remove the fear and the action will go on naturally All this is in your text bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and the only good it does for me to say it is that I remove some of your fear by it.
P. S. Never mind those plastersEditorial Note: An ointment, which may be medicated and that acts as an adhesive, is applied to a wound and then covered with a thin bandage., dear, they are not needed — and take her up to take them off, by and by she will do it. But feel no anxiety any way about them