Accession: L05494
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Minnie B. Hall De Soto, May 26, 1886
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Minnie B. Hall De Soto 
Date: May 26, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
Archival Note: This is a copy of a letter sent to multiple people.
Related Versions: L03617Click link to view L03617 document in new window, L04477Click link to view L04477 document in new window, L04332Click link to view L04332 document in new window, L04634Click link to view L04634 document in new window, L05728Click link to view L05728 document in new window, L10817Click link to view L10817 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

I see the great need for Christian Scientists to establish As Written: establis public schools in all our principal Cities ––

By establishing their Institutes first, the false teachers are doing great harm to our CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and gaining As Written: gaing great advantages. Note the reluctance of my students to do this, until the enemy appropriates them, and then they start a school! I ask that you break away from this rule of mesmerism once follow your leader's advice. Open a public Institute in some chief city at once is my earnest request and I hope you will heed it

Affectionately As Written: Affectionly Yours
MBG Eddy

Please send a notice of your Institute to the Chris. Sci. Journal

MBG Eddy

Nota BeneAs Written:N.B.

Say nothing of your intentions but accomplish it, and you will find less difficulty in doing this by keeping quiet

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

I see the great need for Christian Scientists to establis Corrected: establish public schools in all our principal Cities ––

By establishing their Institutes first, the false teachers are doing great harm to our CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and gaing Corrected: gaining great advantages. Note the reluctance of my students to do this, until the enemy appropriates them, and then they start a school! I ask that you break away from this rule of mesmerism once follow your leader's advice. Open a public Institute in some chief city at once is my earnest request and I hope you will heed it

Affectionly Corrected: Affectionately Yours
MBG Eddy

Please send a notice of your Institute to the Chris. Sci. Journal

MBG Eddy

N.B.Expanded:Nota Bene

Say nothing of your intentions but accomplish it, and you will find less difficulty in doing this by keeping quiet

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The cause of Christian Science.