You can do it, but you must work for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. to its best advantage and this you want to do. Now what is needed most for Christ is, teachers who are educated by the schools of learning As Written: learnig first, and next by me. Now if your uncle is adapted to the place of teacher send him to me and send others (mostly gentlemen) I have more ladies than gents – and I will prepare them. and be easy on terms No student can teach a normal class properly
Answer at once
Nota BeneAs Written:N. B.
ChicagoAs Written:Chicage is where I want the School plantedEditorial Note: See L04477 for Mary Baker Eddy’s letter to Larminie, requesting her to start an “Institute” for the purpose of teaching Christian Science. Eddy had written to a number of her students at this time, asking that these school or Institutes be established., and it must be – God has said it; and named "Metaphysical Science College" this needs to be done at once
Now do not speak of what I have written, remember this, until all be accomplished.