Looking this over deeply & prayerfully I see it is not best to come down with my price now just when Plunket and others are bidding me vacate I will keep my price and teach my classes a little longer and you take the common price 100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1887 is the equivalent of $3,080.59 in 2022. per pupil and get all the classes you can give the college degree to your students and get all you can This gives you practice before you take my students Do not advertise as my assistant yet but you shall meet the need and have the place when you are ready The expenses will all be met I know
I am tried beyond words to utter with the news I have from N. York CityEditorial Note: New York, New York today As Written: to-day Plunket is carrying out her subtle purpose and my foolish students at least twoof them going right into the snare she has set I told them to organize a Church and put Stetson into the pulpit instead they are putting Dr Sawyer in who has no faculty of speaking and they tell me his lecture there was a perfect failure