Aug. 16 1890
When I forget all your kindness to me, or cease to love you as dearly as ever, then I shall not be "Mother Mary", and cease to have being. But this is impossible. If there is any change in me since my absence from BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts it has been an increased estimate of what you were to me when we were there You all are growing, and in three years I trust the pride that must be quenched, will be, and in its place will be found brotherly love prefering one anotherRom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; .
Remember me tenderly to Mrs. Eastaman "Chickie" and believe me as ever
I wish you would come and see us here. The latch is always on the outside for you and a warm welcome.