Accession: L02652
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Josephine Curtis Woodbury, March 24, 1896
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Josephine Curtis Woodbury 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 24, 1896
Manuscript Description: Typewritten copy of a letter by Mary Baker Eddy from Concord, New Hampshire.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
Related Topic: 590.60.012Digital document 590.60.012 not available, L17166Digital document L17166 not available, L02646Digital document L02646 not available, L00143Digital document L00143 not available, L00144Digital document L00144 not available, L02647Digital document L02647 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your husband's letter dated Feb. 5, 1896Editorial Note: See 590.60.012. and which you must have suggested was astounding and very ungrateful but it shall not swerve me from returning good for evil. The charges in that letter are absolutely false. You cannot forget how you entreated me to receive him into a class in my college and that I did it gratuitously and that you have thanked me many times for what I did for you and yours.

When last at my house in Concord, over a year ago you mentioned with much apparent gratitude what my teaching had done for you and your husband and related a remarkable instance of his healing himself from the effect of a fall. Also you have acknowledged to me and to others my patience and forbearance with you. Even while you were on probation in our church you wrote to me "I am ashamed of myself, too ashamed to say anything"Editorial Note: See L17166.. I have this letter in your own handwriting and the date of its receipt was witnessed.

Those awful reports about you to which your husband alluded in his letter dated Feb. 5, 1896 namely, that your last child was illegitimateAs Written:illegitamate! I again and again tried to suppress. Also for what you tried to make the people believe namely that that child was an immaculate conception I rebuked you and tried to save you from such an error.

When you visited me May 2, 1894 I asked you in substance what you now thought of the above heresy viz. that your child was immaculate, and you replied "it was incarnated with the devil." Those were your exact words. I then told you to write and publish an article to the effect that you disbelieved in what you had tried to make patent. And you did so in a poem on Christmas published with your signature and it was a very ingenious apology. In course of conversation at that visit May 1894 I also asked you why when you were a member of our Church you withdrew your membership? And you replied "What else could I do"? and I answered in substance You could have waited until you consulted me about it. During that visit you seemed deeply penitent and I pitied you sincerely. You referred to your past conduct and said "If it will save others from doing as I did it is all that I can ask now". ." I forgave you then and there and told you I would try to have you admitted to our Church if you so desired. After that I worked for you in good faith.

In no manner have I ever tried to injure you and scores can witness to the fact that I have done much to help you.

In your husband's letter you blamed me for your having been excommunicated from our Church while I can prove that I am not at all to be blamed for it.

You also claim in that letter that you replied to my cautionary letters while you were on probation. Here I ask have ever these letters been returned from the Dead Letter Office? I can prove by my secretary that handles all my mail that he never received those letters and I certainly did not.

On March 16, 1896 I wired to you an invitation to come to my home and I would see you. Did you receive that dispatchAs Written:despatch?

In August 21, 1895 I rebuked you as your teacher in a letterEditorial Note: See L02646 of few words to be sure but as I would rebuke any student under the circumstances when calling their attention to metaphysical subjects. If I misjudged you on that occasion I most heartily ask you to forgive it. My purpose was to do you good and I did not carry out my suggestion to make public that for which I rebuked you.

You have told me many times of the effects of mesmerism on others and on yourself and that was what I referred to when speaking of your illness in my letter dated January 28, 1896Editorial Note: See L02647 and that I suspected might have caused your suffering

I have asked the Church to reconsider and restore you not at all because you deserve this at my hand but because it is doing as I would be done byMatt 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. and gives you one more chance for repentance and reformation under the teachings of the Bible and my bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Mr. Frye said something about a threat from your husband but did not give me the letter as I had not interest enough in its contents to read it.

In haste
(Signed) Mary Baker Eddy.

N.B. How dare you in the sight of God and with your character behind the curtain and your own students ready to lift it on you-- pursue a path perilous?

Your true friend

(Signed) Mary Baker Eddy.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeA true copy

Attest: Calvin A. Frye

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your husband's letter dated Feb. 5, 1896Editorial Note: See 590.60.012. and which you must have suggested was astounding and very ungrateful but it shall not swerve me from returning good for evil. The charges in that letter are absolutely false. You cannot forget how you entreated me to receive him into a class in my college and that I did it gratuitously and that you have thanked me many times for what I did for you and yours.

When last at my house in Concord, over a year ago you mentioned with much apparent gratitude what my teaching had done for you and your husband and related a remarkable instance of his healing himself from the effect of a fall. Also you have acknowledged to me and to others my patience and forbearance with you. Even while you were on probation in our church you wrote to me "I am ashamed of myself, too ashamed to say anything"Editorial Note: See L17166.. I have this letter in your own handwriting and the date of its receipt was witnessed.

Those awful reports about you to which your husband alluded in his letter dated Feb. 5, 1896 namely, that your last child was illegitamateCorrected:illegitimate! I again and again tried to suppress. Also for what you tried to make the people believe namely that that child was an immaculate conception I rebuked you and tried to save you from such an error.

When you visited me May 2, 1894 I asked you in substance what you now thought of the above heresy viz. that your child was immaculate, and you replied "it was incarnated with the devil." Those were your exact words. I then told you to write and publish an article to the effect that you disbelieved in what you had tried to make patent. And you did so in a poem on Christmas published with your signature and it was a very ingenious apology. In course of conversation at that visit Ma [?] Unclear or illegible y 1894 I also asked you why when you were a member of our Church you withdrew your membership? And you replied "What else could I do"? and I answered in substance You could have waited until you consulted me about it. During that visit you seemed deeply penitent and I pitied you sincerely. You referred to your past conduct and said "If it will save others from doing as I did it is all that I can ask now". ask." I forgave you then and there and told you I would try to have you admitted to our Church if you so desired. After that I worked for you in good faith.

In no manner have I ever tried to injure you and scores can witness to the fact that I have done much to hel [?] Unclear or illegible p you.

In your husband's letter you blamed me for your having been excommunicated from our Church while I can prove that I am not at all to be blamed for it.

You also claim in that letter that you replied to my cautionary letters while you were on probation. Here I ask have ever these letters been returned from the Dead Letter Office? I can prove by my secretary that handles all my mail that he never received those letters and I certainly did not.

On March 16, 1896 I wired to you an invitation to come to my home and I would see you. Did you receive that despatchCorrected:dispatch?

In August 21, 1895 I rebuked you as your teacher in a letterEditorial Note: See L02646 of few words to be sure but as I would rebuke any student under the circumstances when calling their attention to metaphysical subjects. If I misjudged you on that occasion I most heartily ask you to forgive it. My purpose was to do you good and I did not carry out my suggestion to make public that for which I rebuked you.

You have told me many times of the effects of mesmerism on others and on yourself and that was what I referred to when speaking of your illness in my letter dated January 28, 1896Editorial Note: See L02647 and that I suspected might have caused your sufferning

I have asked the Church to reconsider and restore you not at all because you deserve this at my hand but because it is doning as I would be done byMatt 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. and gives you one more chance for repentance and reformation under the teachings of the Bible and my bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Mr. Frye said something about a threat from your husband but did not give me the letter as I had not interest enough in its contents to read it.

In haste
(Signed) Mary Baker Eddy.

N.B. How dare you in the sight of God and with your character behind the curtain and your own students ready to lift it on you-- pursue a path perilous?

Your true friend

(Signed) Mary Baker Eddy.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeA true copy

Attest: Calvin A. Frye

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See 590.60.012. See L17166. See L02646 See L02647 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy