July 10
My dear friend
Your kind letterEditorial Note: See 032a.12.003. receivedAs Written:rec'd. Accept my thanks for the good ending of Asso.Editorial Note: The General Association for the Dispensing of Christian Science Literature was first announced in the May 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal. The idea was brought about by Augusta Stetson and others as a way to distribute Christian Science literature, authorized by the Association. Eddy was not involved and was not supportive once she became aware of this plan. Inclosures all right.
Now allow me to beg one other favor to yourself and our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. on the question of personality
Our basis in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is impersonality Any unnecessary mention of personality is quite as unscientific as the M. D.'s attention to physiology and hygiene! Here is where my dearest student Mrs Stetson will make an awful mistake unless she heeds my oft repeated As Written: repeatted advice to drop my name out of her conversation, teaching, and lectures.
My works are all that can declare me. Her reference to me as discoverer or in any way, does no good and much harm. M.A.M. kept the C.S. Jour. full of my name until it became ridiculous As Written: rediculous I remonstrated, urged, pled with the Editors to stop it. But the enemy kept it up until the change of Editors. Then the opposite extreme was inaugurated and the name was not even permitted as the author of my works. Another change came in Editors and this time the two extremes have yielded to a temperate reference to me and only when absolutely requisite. This one thing has broken the spell of evil on that periodical and it is flourishing as never before.
I hope Mrs S. and yourself will be as saintly in yielding to my judgment on this as on the question just settled. You cannot build on personality or you build on sandMatt 7:26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: Matt 7:27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. and the elements of mortal mind will tear down your superstructures sooner or later I beg you will review sacred history and see this. Even Jesus would have gone on with his work had the age dealt, with the idea, and his students brought it to the front,―which Jesus represented, and left his personality out of sight, or the question. A St. Peter's or a St. Mary's religion is far from Christian Science carried out scientifically
Most truly