Accession: L02218
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James Henry Wiggin, May 28, 1890
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James Henry Wiggin 
Date: May 28, 1890
Manuscript Description: Typewritten by Mary Baker Eddy, with handwritten edits, on Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery that has been crossed out, from Concord, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Wiggin: --

I had my laugh over your LazarusEditorial Note: This is likely an allusion to a person in the New Testament known as “Lazarus of Bethany.” In the gospel of John, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. This is the seventh and last “sign” given by Jesus of his power in this gospel. See chapter 11 of the gospel of John.. My faith in your criticism, continues, but you know faith sometimes needs Mr. Wiggin's notes, and his notes, occasionally, need my metaphysics.

Mr. Bailey urged me into undertaking the revision of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy at a time when I was so absorbed with other duties that I could not give it the proper attention. His compilation has ruined six chapters, most of which, he has had cast. His work has cost me about $2000Editorial Note: $2000 in 1890 is equivalent to $64,319.96 in money, which is nothing compared to the disturbance it gave me to find the book all torn and scattered.

I have had to throw aside the work that he did, and start again. And now, with your assistance, the book must come out right. The rumor is abroad that I am revising Science and Health, and to abandon this revision now would disappoint the expectations of my students. I must work carefully on this revision which will take time to perfect it. My book, as you say, will not at present be thoroughly understood. But it will continue to heal many of its readers, who are sick, and this will sustain the great demand for Science and Health.

I send the first five chapters of my book; please examine again the first chapter. The other four chapters correct and compile, then return to me, and I will send all the revised copy to you as fast as it is ready for you to complete.

Look over the first article in the magazine from the Victoria Institute and return the book with my copy.

Truly yours
Mary B. G. Eddy.

N. B. What I have written of Mr Bailey is confidential.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Wiggin: --

I had my laugh over your LazarusEditorial Note: This is likely an allusion to a person in the New Testament known as “Lazarus of Bethany.” In the gospel of John, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. This is the seventh and last “sign” given by Jesus of his power in this gospel. See chapter 11 of the gospel of John.. My faith in your criticism, continues, but you know [?] Unclear or illegible faith sometimes needs Mr. Wiggin's notes, and his notes, occasionally, need my metaphysics.

Mr. Bailey urged me into undertaking the revision of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy at a time when I was so absorbed with other duties that I could not give it the proper attention. His compilation has ruined six chapters, most of which, he has had cast. His work has cost me about $2000Editorial Note: $2000 in 1890 is equivalent to $64,319.96 in money, which is nothing compared to the disturbance it gave me to find the book all torn and scattered.

I have had to throw aside the work that he did, and start again. And now, with your assistance, the book must come out right. The rumor is abr abroad that I am revising Science and Health, and to abandon this revision now would disappoint the expectations of my students. I must work carefully on this revision which will take time to perfect it. My book, as you say, will not at present be thoroughly understood. But it will continue to heal many of its readers, who are sick, and this will sustain the great demand for Science and Health.

I send the first five chapters of my book; please examine again the first chapter. The other four chapters correct and compile, then return to me, and I will send all the revised copy to you as fast as it is ready for you to complete.

Look over the first article in th [?] Unclear or illegible e magazine from the Victoria Institute and return the book with my copy.

Truly yours
Mary B. G. Eddy.

N. B. What I have written of Mr Bailey is confidentaial.

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This is likely an allusion to a person in the New Testament known as “Lazarus of Bethany.” In the gospel of John, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. This is the seventh and last “sign” given by Jesus of his power in this gospel. See chapter 11 of the gospel of John. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $2000 in 1890 is equivalent to $64,319.96