Your interest in the work you are performing for me and mankind As Written: man kind has the rare quality of King Lear's daughter's affection, it never flattersEditorial Note: In Shakespeare’s play, King Lear, two of Lear’s daughters, Goneril and Regan, were known to flatter him, while his youngest daughter, Cordelia, refused to do so..
Now I will add no new matter to my book but that which I return with the clippings You will find this first chapter introductory, and I know its compilation will delight my students, inasmuch As Written: in as much as it makes the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science more comprehensible to the reader. May my good critic shoulder arms and I will get through sometime this severe task and he will find the general work vastly improved Please examine it all over and I will send all the pages for you to index (as you in your letter indicated) in the reading matter instead of outside of it