Your kind present of a book was received and have waited to read it before replying to your interesting letter
There are good things in ArcheologyEditorial Note: This is possibly a reference to Archaeological Writings of the Sanhedrin and Talmuds of the Jews by Reverend W. D. Mahan. but as a whole it is objectionable, like all curent literature.
The character and words of Jesus are true and glorious and supports Christian Science Caiphas' repentance was interesting. To know that law never condemned Jesus is natural, and comforting. But suffering, and sin, are made too real as you read. Baptism is made absurd and the first of the Vol. is all that is. worth reading Accept many thanks for sending it to me. I ought to read it to be prepared to answer my much-loved As Written: much loved students, relative to its contents.
When you were in New YorkAs Written:N. Y. – so near me, I wanted very much to see you, but did not. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants His footsteps on the sea and rides upon the storm"Editorial Note: This is the first stanza of a hymn by William Cowper (1731-1800). It was written in 1744.
God bless you ever and make you an obedient servant to Him You have always been ready to follow.