Notes taken in Dr Foster Eddy’s class by C. A. F.
2ndAs Written:2d day,
Two bones back of pelvis named Sacrum and Coccyx. The spinal column rests on the Sacrum These two bones form a wedge shape or keystoneAs Written:key-stone.
A bone is situated on the right & left side of the pelvis, called the os innominata, which has each three divisions viz:- the Ilium As Written: Ilicum or hip bone, Ischium or lower part, and the pubis or front bone, the latter being united to the others by the symphysis pubis.
The Acetabulum or cotyloid cavity are the ball and socket joint in which the bones of the legs rest. The obturator foramen ischium is the openingthrough bones of the pubis.
Is where the bones join. 1st the Coccygeal junction,. or the articulation between the coccyx and the sacrum
2ndAs Written:2d Sacro vertebral articulation between the sacrum and last lumbra vertebraAs Written:vertibra.
3rdAs Written:3d The symphysis pubic, between the two pubic bones.
4 & 5 The Sacro Iliac.
Regions of Pelvis.
1st Anterior, or pubic.
2ndAs Written:2d Posterior, or sac & coccyx.
3rdAs Written:3d Lateral, or os innominatumAs Written:innominator.
Plains of Pelvis.
Are composed of 4 inclined plains. 1 anterior 1 posterior and 1 on either side.
The pelvis is also divided into straits, diameters and axes. The superior or upper strait and the inferior or lower strait.
Muscles. of pelvis.
1 Are to complete, enclose and perfect the abdomen.
2ndAs Written:2d For locomotion.
Floor of pelvis.
Outside muscle perineumAs Written:parineum.
[*]Archival Note: Their is a vertical line through the rest of the blank page here.
Organs of Generation.
External and Internal.
1st Mons veneris.
2ndAs Written:2d Vulva and its appendages, viz:- labia majora, labia minora, or nymphaea As Written: nymphae clitoris, meatus urinarius, follicles and glands.
3rdAs Written:3d Internal organs are vagina, leading from vulva to mouth of uterus; uterus or womb is the form of a pear inverted. The uterus is divided into three parts, the upper part is called the fundus, next the middle portion, the lower part is the cervix or neck, the lower part is called the apex, The opening to uterus is the orificeAs Written:orific, os externum or os uteri or os tincae (tinseo).
Structure of Uteri
Composed of three tissues or coats
1st Externa peritoneal As Written: paritoneal
2ndAs Written:2d Middle or muscular, (very strong.)
3rdAs Written:3d Internal or mucus.
Fallopian tubes.
Have fimbriated As Written: fimbrated extremity, and connect the ovaries As Written: overies with one either side with the fundus of the uterus. The ovaries As Written: overies are composed of 1st a peritoneal As Written: paritonial coat
2ndAs Written:2d the tunica albuginea As Written: albuginia the proper covering
3rdAs Written:3d a fibrous, spongey vascular tissue which is the stroma or matrix. In this stroma are imbedded in various stages of development, thegraphian vesicles As Written: vessicles or ova sacksAs Written:over-sacks, which contain the ova As Written: over or ovule which are the eggs.
Pelvic cavity.
Starting from abdominal wall
1st The bladder.
2ndAs Written:2d The uterus and vagina.
3rdAs Written:3d The rectum, which is the lower part of the bowels
4th The blood vessels, the aorta the iliac arteries and the vena cava.
3rdAs Written:3d da.
External Beliefs.
Nymphomania, or uncontrollable As Written: uncontrolable passion.
Erotomania, a dreamy, enamorous state, Apsychicalstate.
VulvitisAs Written:Vulvetis, an acute inflammationAs Written:inflamation, also erysipelas and catarrhal or chronic inflammationAs Written:inflamation.
Cutaneous or superficial beliefs of the pelvis are
Prurigo or pruritus an itching.
Erythema, a diffused redness.
Herpes, a vesicle As Written: vessicle with superficial excoriation, covered with a crust.
Lichen, a papule As Written: papuli which comes up with an erythematous As Written: eryphenacious base, a lymphatic As Written: lymphane pimple.
These skin diseases apply to all parts of the body.
Lymphatic ulcers.
Chancres. [*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here. a very bad-lookingAs Written:bad looking ulcer.
Oedema of the vulva, a dropsical swelling.
Encysted As Written: Encystea and serous tumors which bear a resemblance to a hernia distinguished by a hernia if moved from its position returns back again.
Internal Beliefs.
The Vagina, is liable to beliefs of spasms, cramps, neuralgia, and constriction, acute and chronic inflammationAs Written:inflamation.
Leucorrhoea, or flour albus, a chronic inflammationAs Written:inflamation, producing a secretion.
Fistulas, (openings)
UrethravaginalAs Written:Urethra vaginal fistula, extending to urethra.
VesicovaginalAs Written:Vesico vaginal fistula, from vagina to bladder.
RectovaginalAs Written:Recto vaginal fistula, from vagina to rectum.
IntestinovaginalAs Written:Intestino vaginal fistula, from to part of intestine.
PeriteneovaginalAs Written:Periteneo vaginal fistula from vagina to peritoneumAs Written:peritoneaum.
Tumors, or polypi
Attached to wall of vagina (always on mucus membrane only.
Cysts and granulations.
Prolapsus uteri - a weak relaxed state.
Inversion – the fundus dropping into the main portion
Anteversion – fundus tipped forward.
Retroversion " " back.
Inflammation As Written: Inflamation of the Uterus, like vulvitisAs Written:vulvetis, extending through the tissue of the womb.
EndometritisAs Written:Endomutretis, inflammation As Written: inflamation of the mucus membrane of uterus.
Irritable As Written: Irratable uterus, or hysteralgia As Written: hystralgia and neuralgiaAs Written:nearalgia.
Erosion, simple ulcer, corroding ulcer, cancer ulcers.
EdemaAs Written:Edoema or dropsy.
Tarsometa or physometraAs Written:physomtia, tympanoths, gas Moles & hydates, appear like blighted ova As Written: ovas when passed off.
OvariesAs Written:Overies.
OvaritisAs Written:Overetis.
Ovarian tumors, either fluid or solid
Dropsy, and Cancerous beliefs.
Ovulation – maturing of ovum which begins about 14 years of age named puberty and continues to 45. A function not disease.
Menstruation, a discharge from the uterus may occur without ovulation, but ovulation never occurs without menstruation.
Beliefs of Menstruation.
amenorrheaAs Written:Amenorehoea– absent menstruation.
dysmenorrheaAs Written:Dysmenorrhoea, difficult & painfulAs Written:painfull".
Menorrhagia, profuse menstruation.
Metrorrhagia, a hemorrhage from vagina, causing great fear.
[*]Archival Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.
Is the fecundation which occurs in copulation. Union of [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears above the following word. spermatozoaAs Written:spermatazoa or semen & ovum.
Decidua - a thickening of the membrane of the uterus.
Gestation extends from fecundation to parturitionAs Written:parturation.
Gestation lasts about 270 days or 9 solar months, but sometimes have extended to 12 months.