Dec. 1st 1884
Report of Business Committee,
Your Business Committee beg leave to offer the following report for the year ending Dec 1st 1884.
From Nov 1883 to Apr 1884 there were Sunday services holden regularly at Hawthorn Rooms our pastor Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy officiating at most of the meetings with an average attendance of about 200. Her Bible Lessons were of incalculable value and it is to be regretted that there was not a greater interest taken in supporting her in them by promptly answering her questions.
Since the commencement of the year there has been an addition to our Church of 20 members, and one (Mrs. C. E. Choate) was expelled: the expense of these meetings were lease of half $8.00Editorial Note: Approximately $200 today. for Sunday rental of organ per quarter and $10.00Editorial Note: Approximately $250 today. per Sunday to our pastor which sum she received only when present (a very meagre sum) for about two months after meetings were discontinued at Hawthorn Rooms, meetings were held at the College on Sundays conducted by our church members. Expense of these meetings were $3.00Editorial Note: Approximately $75 today. for Sunday for rent of room. Services for the present season were commenced Oct. 12 - and there has been a large attendance at times more than filling the Rooms and great interest manifested. Our great need is some one who will received a theological course of instructions in Christian Science, to supply the desk when our pastor is unable to attend and would recommend that our Business Committee for ensuing year endeavor to find some suitable person who will meet this want.
We also urgently recommend that each member of our church recognize the fact that a church is made up of individual members, and that we each feel that this is my church and by personal attendance a hearty welcome to strangers and encouraging and supporting our pastor in her disinterested labors with us, we may see the work of God prosper in our hands by accessions to our numbers of such as shall be saved, in healing the sick and reforming sinner.
Respectfully submitted
Calvin A. Frye
for Business com.