Mark 14. 23. And he took the cup and when he had given thanks etcMark 14:23 And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it.
[*]Archival Note: A wavy line is drawn horizontally across the page.
We are here today As Written: to day not to commemorate As Written: comemorate the death Life or death of our dear by partaking of or drinking wine but to seek communion with his spirit that we would make our own In communion with Christ bread and wine can only stand for the thoughts they express and I ask only your kind and thoughtful attention while I shall endeavor briefly to discharge the office of their interpreter Could I only give you a new and vivid sense of the faith and love the greatness and truth of which they tell you would receive an exhilaration and conscious nourishment that no material element can supply. Then would you understand what our communion service is designed to be and what it is to commemorate Jesus in spirit and in truth
The word sacrament comes from the Latin sacramentum which means the oath whereby the Roman soldier bound himself in allegiance to his general and this was no ritual service
The conviction hourly deepens in my mind that the essential value of christianity is not in doctrines, formal observances or mere moral precepts but in the great fact that it gives us in a human person a revelation, not of anything preternatural but of our own nature in its highest earthly development As Written: developement That which bloomed As Written: blomed out of the life of Jesus filling the world with the odour of divinity was the ensample for man and this coincidence As Written: coincidince of the must yet appear in our lives
It may take a longer life than that of mortals to quicken it into vitality Buried As Written: Burried deep it may be from human sight and lie dormant for thousands of years like the wheat found in Egyptian tombs but in the Father's house, the many chambers of SoulJohn 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. , it must sometime As Written: somtime fully disclose its identity with the spirit of Jesus
Heaven only knows what searching methods, what agonies, what ages of crime what revolutions may be required for this imperishable germ of greatness and goodness to struggle up to freedom