Accession: A10409
Editorial Title: Note by Mary Baker Eddy
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: Unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

1 My first knowledge of Quimby

2 My first knowledge of mental malpractice Experiment on Hanover SmithEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy gave an account of what was apparently this experiment on Hanover P. Smith during her testimony given in her home as part of the Next Friends Suit. It was printed on page 166 of Mrs. Eddy and the late suit in Equity by Michael Meehan. Eddy’s account reads: “When people began to talk mesmerism, I doubted it; and I said to a facetious student, ‘Hanover Smith, you go into another room and see if I can sit here and tell lies enough to make you suffer.’ He went into another room, and I commenced arguing what they said made folks sick, and I did my best talking it. When he returned to me, I said, ‘Hanover, do you feel ill?’ He replied, ‘I never felt better in my life than I do now. I feel rested.’”

I was never lukewarm but always fervid

I had not found all that I desired in the Orthodox Church and I examined Spiritualism with utter disappointmentAs Written:disappontment Homeopathy was my last step in medicine and Quimbyism As Written: Qumbyism was my next in healing but here I found not Christianity yet I lauded his courage in believingAs Written:believng that mind made disease and that mind healed disease Hence my loosened opinionsAs Written:pineons took upward flight and I lauded Phineas P. Quimby as an advanced thinker and healer with my native superfluity of praise when praise was due

Yet lacked I yet somethingAs Written:some thing the one thing needed and my health again declined Then came the accident and injury called fatal and the Bible healed meEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy sustained serious injuries from a fall on the ice in Lynn, Massachusetts, on February 1, 1866. She experienced a sudden abatement of the symptoms on February 4 after reading accounts in the Bible of healings brought about by Jesus. and from Quimbyism As Written: Qumbyism to the Bible was like turning from Leviticus to St. John in the Scripture and I forever droppedAs Written:droped the thought that he had given even that the mind and human made disease and healed it — and gained the great rediscovery that God is the only healer and healing Principle and this Principle is divine not human

The remnants As Written: remants of Quimbyism As Written: Qumbyism took flight forever and I struggled to wipe out all remaining As Written: remainang faith in the power of human will to enslave me or to deceive me into a false freedom

Turning from Qumby to the Bible for help in time of trouble was more marked than turning from matter to Spirit from LeviticusAs Written:Leveticus to St John in the Scriptures As Written: Scrptures for the way of salvation

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

1 My first knowledge of Quimby

2 My first knowledge of mental malpractice Experiment on Hanover SmithEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy gave an account of what was apparently this experiment on Hanover P. Smith during her testimony given in her home as part of the Next Friends Suit. It was printed on page 166 of Mrs. Eddy and the late suit in Equity by Michael Meehan. Eddy’s account reads: “When people began to talk mesmerism, I doubted it; and I said to a facetious student, ‘Hanover Smith, you go into another room and see if I can sit here and tell lies enough to make you suffer.’ He went into another room, and I commenced arguing what they said made folks sick, and I did my best talking it. When he returned to me, I said, ‘Hanover, do you feel ill?’ He replied, ‘I never felt better in my life than I do now. I feel rested.’”

I w [?] Unclear or illegible as never lukewarm but always fervid

I had not found all that I desired in even the Orthodox Church and I examined Spiritualism with utter disappontmentCorrected:disappointment Then in a Homeopathy was my last step in medicine and Qumbyism Corrected: Quimbyism was my next in healing but here I found not Christianity yet I lauded his courage in believngCorrected:believing that mind healed made sickness disease and that mind healed disease Hence Thus my loosened pineonsCorrected:opinions took upward flight and I lauded Phineas P. Quimby as an advanced thinker and healer with my native superfluity of praise when praise was due

Yet lacked I yet some thingCorrected:something the one thing needed and my health again declined and Then came the fall accident the and injury called fatal and the Bible healed meEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy sustained serious injuries from a fall on the ice in Lynn, Massachusetts, on February 1, 1866. She experienced a sudden abatement of the symptoms on February 4 after reading accounts in the Bible of healings brought about by Jesus. and from Qumbyism Corrected: Quimbyism to Scripture the Bible was like turning from Leviticus to St. John in the Scripture and I forever dropedCorrected:dropped the thought that he had given even that the mind and human made disease and healed it — and little by little gained the great rediscovery that God is the only healer and healing Principle and this Principle is divine not human

The theAs Written:the remants Corrected: remnants of Qumbyism Corrected: Quimbyism took flight forever and I struggled to wipe out all remainang Corrected: remaining faith in the power of human will to enslave me or to deceive me into a false freedom

Turning for help from Qumby to the Bible for help in time of trouble was more marked than turning from [?] Unclear or illegible  matter to Spirit from LeveticusCorrected:Leviticus to St John in the Scrptures Corrected: Scriptures for the way of salvation

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Mary Baker Eddy gave an account of what was apparently this experiment on Hanover P. Smith during her testimony given in her home as part of the Next Friends Suit. It was printed on page 166 of Mrs. Eddy and the late suit in Equity by Michael Meehan. Eddy’s account reads: “When people began to talk mesmerism, I doubted it; and I said to a facetious student, ‘Hanover Smith, you go into another room and see if I can sit here and tell lies enough to make you suffer.’ He went into another room, and I commenced arguing what they said made folks sick, and I did my best talking it. When he returned to me, I said, ‘Hanover, do you feel ill?’ He replied, ‘I never felt better in my life than I do now. I feel rested.’” Mary Baker Eddy sustained serious injuries from a fall on the ice in Lynn, Massachusetts, on February 1, 1866. She experienced a sudden abatement of the symptoms on February 4 after reading accounts in the Bible of healings brought about by Jesus.