To be Signed by those Uniting with the Church of Christ, Scientist.
First.--As adherents of Truth, you take the Scriptures for your guide to Life.
Second.-- You acknowledge one Father, Son and Holy Ghost, -- one God, the brotherhood of man, and Divine Science; the forgiveness of sin, in the destruction of sin; the atonement of Christ, in the efficacy of Truth and Love. And the way of salvation as marked out by Jesus, healing the sick, casting out (evils), and raising the dead, --uplifting a dead faith into Life and Love.
Third. -- You promise to love one another, and to work, watch and pray; to keep the Ten Commandments; to deal justly, love mercy, walk humbly; and inasmuch as you are enabled by Truth, to cast out evil and heal the sick.
Do you subscribe to these Tenets?