Accession: A10020
Editorial Title: Song by Mary Baker Eddy
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: Unknown
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper. Vertical lines are drawn through the first two verses.
Archival Note: The date of this document is unknown.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

[*]Archival Note: Vertical lines are drawn through the following two verses.Smile lady smile There is a time for laughing As Written: laghing The [?] Unclear or illegible  glad the heart is glad Its melody is making

O'er the silvery lake The sunbeams dance togetherAs Written:toghegr And the ripplet runs In clear or stormy weather Smile lady smile[*]Archival Note: End of vertical lines.

Smile lady smile There is a time for laughing When the gladsome heart The wine of wit is quaffing O'er the silver lake The sunbeams dance together As Written: togethr And the ripples run In bright or stormy weather Smile lady smile

Love lady love [?] Unclear or illegible  There is a a time for loving When the Mother looks Upon her tiny darling When

Song Laugh lady laugh There is a joy in laughing Tears were never made To be in beauty's keeping Tears are of a stream Where pleasures lie decaying Smiles like rays of light O'er sunny As Written: suny waters playing Laugh lady laugh As Written: laug

Love lady love There is a joy in loving But sigh not when you find That man is fond of roving He like the summer As Written: sunner bee Takes wings through beauty'sAs Written:beaty's bowers And knows not which to choose Among so many flowers Love lady love

Weep lady weep There is a joy in weeping Christ hath all our tears Within His own kind keeping Those He loveth bestHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. He chastens till they love HimHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. And to his dear breast He folds the weary lambkin Weep lady weep

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

[*]Archival Note: Vertical lines are drawn through the following two verses.Smile lady smile Laugh lady laugh There's joy in being merry is a time for laghing Corrected: laughing When The [?] Unclear or illegible  glad the heart is glad And Its melody is making

O'er the silvery moonlit lake [?] Unclear or illegible  As The sunbeams glide dance toghegrCorrected:together And the ripplest swells runs [?] Unclear or illegible  In br clear or stormy weather Smile lady smile[*]Archival Note: End of vertical lines.

Smile lady smile There is a time for laghughing When For When [?] Unclear or illegible  the gladsome hours heart The wine of [?] Unclear or illegible  wit is quaffing O'er the silver lake The sunbeams dance togethr Corrected: together And gentle the ripples run In bright or stormy weather Smile lady smile

Love lady love [?] Unclear or illegible  There is There is a time A bliss in a time for loving When the Mothers looks Upon her tiny darling When

Song Laugh lady laugh There is a joy in laughing Tears were never made to To be in beauty's keeping Tears are of a stream Where pleasures lie decaying Smiles like rays of [?] Unclear or illegible  light O'er suny Corrected: sunny waters playing Laugh lady laug Corrected: laugh

Love lady love There is a joy in loving But sigh not when you find That man is fond of roving He like the sunner Corrected: summer bee Takes wings through beaty'sCorrected:beauty's bowers And knows not which to choose Among so many flowers Love lady love

Weep lady weep There is a joy in weeping Christ hath all our tears Within His own kind keeping Those He loveth bestHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. He chastens till they love HimHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. That And to his dear breast He folds the weary lambkin Weep lady weep

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Vertical lines are drawn through the following two verses. End of vertical lines.