[*]Archival Note: Vertical lines are drawn through the following two verses.Smile lady smile There is a time for laughing As Written: laghing The [?] Unclear or illegible glad the heart is glad Its melody is making
O'er the silvery lake The sunbeams dance togetherAs Written:toghegr And the ripplet runs In clear or stormy weather Smile lady smile[*]Archival Note: End of vertical lines.
Smile lady smile There is a time for laughing When the gladsome heart The wine of wit is quaffing O'er the silver lake The sunbeams dance together As Written: togethr And the ripples run In bright or stormy weather Smile lady smile
Love lady love [?] Unclear or illegible There is a a time for loving When the Mother looks Upon her tiny darling When
Song Laugh lady laugh There is a joy in laughing Tears were never made To be in beauty's keeping Tears are of a stream Where pleasures lie decaying Smiles like rays of light O'er sunny As Written: suny waters playing Laugh lady laugh As Written: laug
Love lady love There is a joy in loving But sigh not when you find That man is fond of roving He like the summer As Written: sunner bee Takes wings through beauty'sAs Written:beaty's bowers And knows not which to choose Among so many flowers Love lady love
Weep lady weep There is a joy in weeping Christ hath all our tears Within His own kind keeping Those He loveth bestHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. He chastens till they love HimHeb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. And to his dear breast He folds the weary lambkin Weep lady weep