134 West 34th st
Please send the following order, as quickly as you can. the enclosed letter to Mrs Eddy explains the necessity of haste.
1/2 DozenAs Written:Doz copies Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
1 " Historical sketch
1 " Defense of C. S.
4 copies C. S. & the Bible.
Send this order to my address
432 Green Ave. Brooklyn N. Y.
[*]Archival Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.
Send 44 copies Science & Health to my address, 726 Grand Ave Milwaukee Wisconsin. Please Box this order and send by U. S. Express.
I think it better to have the books in Milwaukee, and then I can carry just what I need on my lecture trips.
Please telegraph me here at my expense, by night message, that you have. sent the orders. Send Dispatch to 134 West 34th St, New York City.